Sunday, April 15, 2007

Liberal approach to the War on Terror

I think we should all read this article about how Liberals see war .
Liberal Approach - from The Post Chronicle by John W. Lillpop

"Can't We All Just Get Along?"
By Satire by John W. Lillpop

Most modern liberals believe that military force is an old fashioned and outdated method for conflict resolution, and one that should be consigned to the dustbin of history.

To the liberal mindset, war is sooooo 20th century. Like VCRs, heterosexual marriage, and Kindergarten without condoms and cucumbers, war is no longer fashionable, or even tolerable.

So-called progressives now embrace the Rodney King strategery for dealing with disagreements and rivalries.

Recognizing the liberal philosophy for what it is helps to explain Speaker Nancy Pelosi's bizarre behavior on the floor of the U.S. House and her trip to the middle east.

We now know exactly what Pelosi said to Syrian President Assad during her stop in Damascus.

"Can't we all just get along?" Speaker Pelosi asked the shocked Assad.

Unfortunately, Pelosi is naive enough to believe the murdering terrorist when he replied, "Of course we can, madam Speaker. Of course we can!"

This satirical article hits the nail on the head !

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