Our city has a message system for local news, announcements, and general info.
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I receive the messages on my home phone, cell phone, and by email. The city issued at least 27 announcements before, during, and after Hurricane Ike. This is the most recent one.
Message sent - 9/19/2008
Ike #27
Just seven days ago Alvin was hit with one of the worst storms in this generation. All power was lost, our large trees scattered like tooth picks and significant damage to our homes and businesses. The City encouraged its citizens to leave the area if possible. Today we were notified that 65% of our electric power house been restored, gasoline is readily available, debris is being picked up curbside, and the City services are back to normal. The majority of our grocery stores and restaurant are now opened. The rapid return to our everyday like was due to a lot of preprinting, investment in emergency equipment and the dedication of a lot of City employees. I also recognize how our citizens jumped in cleaning up, putting things back together, and helping their neighbors. I would like to mention several things:
First-please help us get the City cleaned up. Ten large trucks began picking up brush and debris Thursday. They will be passing through the City over the next several days. After they have picked up each street, they will start over again. If you miss the first pass, or don't get everything out, don't worry-they will be out again. remember to separate the piles of brush debris and building materials. They are picked up by different trucks.
Second-while areas of town with little or no power line damage have and will be engerized in a short period, those few areas with extreme power line damage may take another week or so to be energize. Every effort by the City to expedite the repairs.
Third- this storm could have been much worst. While damage was done and losses have occurred, by the grace of GOD we have made it through.
The Community will be gathering at the Krogers parking lot Saturday evening at 7:00PM to pray. The Lord says that where two or more are gathered together in His name, there He will be also. I hope to see you at the Kroger's parking lot to pray Saturday evening.