Friday, July 21, 2006

Civilian Casualties in Lebanon

Disgruntled Truck Driver has much to say about Israel being given all the blame for civilian casualties in Lebanon . He makes some strong points that I can certainly agree with .
He says --
"Who's fault is it when civilians die in the war on terror?
As a former Military man, I oppose the indiscriminate killing of civilians. The Military signs the dotted line and by doing so you know you are making yourself a target of every enemy of your country. This is a part of excepting the paycheck, it's that simple.

However, Israel is being attacked for a number of things during this conflict, not the least of which is the killing of Lebanese civilians. However, what these critics refuse to acknowledge is the fact that Lebanese civilians are not dying because Israel is targeting them, they are dying by design. Hezbollah is intentionally hiding among the civilian population and advertising every civilian death, while downplaying the deaths of their own fellow terrorists.

The fact is we live in the information age and civilian deaths make the news and every one of them is used to attack Israel. Israel is doing an outstanding job winning the fight, but they are and will continue to lose the propaganda battle. Why? Because hating Israel is completely acceptable among the Liberals.

When a terrorists intentionally kill civilians, the Liberals justify it as an "act of desperation"! Yet, when a uniformed Military does the same even when unintentional, they are crucified as "Baby killers" by those same Liberals! This is the ingrained double standard of Liberalism.

Liberals preach that we should be accepting of Muslims, while at the same time attacking Jews! No group of people in the history of the world have suffered as many violent deaths as the Jews, yet they get no sympathy from the people that claim to be the most "sympathetic".

While I am on the subject, why do Liberals think we shouldn't bomb a Mosque that has terrorists shooting and attacking from within it? Is a Mosque still considered "Holy" if it is being used as a sniper tower? Give me a friggin' break!

I am so sick of Liberal Hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!! "


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