Friday, October 27, 2006

Gasoline, Iraq , and Immigration

The following is a politically incorrect plan that was sent to me...

The U.S. wants us to cut the amount of gas we use. The best way to
stop using so much gas is to deport the 12 million illegal
immigrants! That would be 12 million less people using our gas. The
price of gas would come down.

Bring our troops home from Iraq to guard the border. When they catch
an illegal alien crossing the border, hand each a canteen, rifle and
some ammo.
Then ship them to Iraq. Tell them if they want to come to the U.S.
they must serve a tour in the military. Then ship them to Iraq. Give
them a soldier's pay while they're there and tax them on it.

After their tour, they will be allowed to become a citizen since they
defended this country. They will also be registered to be taxed and
be legal patriots. This option will probably deter illegal
immigration plus provide a solution for the troops in Iraq and the
aliens trying to make a better life for themselves.

If they refuse to serve, ship them to Iraq anyway, without the
canteen, rifle or ammo.

Sorry I can't take credit for coming up with this plan .


IMA said...

I'm glad you can't take credit for this crackpot idea, which deserves a hearty Dogbert "Bah!".
Everyone should just do what I do: Ride your bike to work!
Americans need to stop driving every damn place they go!
I wish the price of gas was $6 a gallon like in Europe and in Turkey. We piss and moan about paying $3, and meanwhile we hop in the SUV to drive down the block for a $5 pack of cigarettes. I have seen people at the Kwik-e-Mart deny thier kid a candy bar, while they buy cigarettes, $10 worth of gas and $20 worth of scratch off lottery tickets.

Noel said...

I agree with you , this is a crackpot idea . I posted it as satire . I , too , wonder at things I see people do these days with their cars and trucks . I drive about 25 miles to work each day and try to get my errands done going or coming . I commend you for using your bicycle as much as you do .