Thursday, October 12, 2006


Partisan - When Republicans don't agree with Dimocrats.

Bi-partisan - When Republicans agree with Dimocrats.

Principled opposition - When Dimocrats don't agree with Republicans.

I "borrowed" this from Grouchy Old Cripple .
Things have been this way in Congress for a long time . And both parties follow these definitions unfortunately . Liberals especially like to label things they don't like "partisan" , as if Republicans should always agree with Democrats . The two-party system doesn't seem to exist in their minds . Seldom is any true bi-partisan effort seen .
I would like to see some real co-operation sometime . I am afraid the Republicans are going to find themselves in a bind soon if the Democrats make any gains in the mid-term elections . Since neither side wants to work together , a split Congress is going to be our fate for at least 2 more years .


Anonymous said...

Im going to do all I can to get the word out to vote to Republicans.

I decided, as a work of good faith, to advertise rides for all democrats to the polls. If I drive fast enough I should have them at least two states away when the polls close. BG

Noel said...

Great idea!!