Thursday, July 27, 2006


Lebanon's Past and Future

When you were a child , did you see , or grow up in , a home where the parents or caretakers took little or no responsibility for the children's problems or behaviour ? Did the parents support the behaviour of one child over another regardless of how destructive it was ?
They were ENABLERS .
An enabler bases his actions on manipulation and dishonesty that hurts others in both obvious and subtle ways .
Syria and Iran are not only backing Hezbollah monetarily and materially , they are the main ENABLERS of Hezbollah's misdeeds and virulence .
Any chance to prevent a repeat of Lebanon's history since 1978 depends on how the world deals with the ENABLERS ; Iran , Syria , the UN , and the left in the US and Europe .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.