Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The "scandal" that distracted Washington

Read this from Christopher Hitchens of Slate.com .
The ridiculous end to the scandal that distracted Washington.
By Christopher Hitchens
Posted Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2006, at 1:02 PM ET

"I had a feeling that I might slightly regret the title ("Case Closed") of my July 25 column on the Niger uranium story. I have now presented thousands of words of evidence and argument to the effect that, yes, the Saddam Hussein regime did send an important Iraqi nuclear diplomat to Niger in early 1999. And I have not so far received any rebuttal from any source on this crucial point of contention. But there was always another layer to the Joseph Wilson fantasy. Easy enough as it was to prove that he had completely missed the West African evidence that was staring him in the face, there remained the charge that his nonreport on a real threat had led to a government-sponsored vendetta against him and his wife, Valerie Plame."

So , you see that the whole thing was cobbled together by Bush bashers , even some from within the administration who were opposed to going to war . This is the kind of stuff that Democrats have been doing all along in their attempts to discredit Bush and his administration , rather than working together with them to support our struggle against a foe that is determined to kill us all in the long run .

The anti-Bushies have no plan for how to run the country . They have only one goal , and that is to get rid of Bush . They will not pay attention to anything else before the elections in November , and really not much until the elections in 2008 .

I do not understand how anyone can support a group that has no plan to fix all the problems they say Bush has caused .

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